Period Builders
(860) 555-5555
In the time-honored tradition of the house-wright we utilize the time tested classic New England, colonial-style building techniques which incorporate old world craftsmanship with modern engineering and safe building practices. The result? A well-built classic-style home with character that you will be proud of for years to come.
We Specialize in new timberframe homes, barns, patios, stables and other out-building construction as well as repair of existing structures to modern and conventional building and remodling.
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...nostalgically beautiful design that leaves a lasting impression.
Peorid Builders provided a descriptive contract and detailed specifications of the proposed barn. The end result is a well constructed, neat building that has the appearance we wanted. We are pleased with the overall performance.
-A Frame Home
Ellington, Ct
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Questions? Find answers to our most asked questions such as odd lot sizes, eco-friendly buildings to finishes. Get a general idea of and costs and time frames. Find it all here!
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